Give us a chance and we will prove our efficiency!

Outsourcing to Infotax will enable you to benefit from decreased employee costs, which for businesses are usually one of the largest expenses. If you still need convincing, read on.You didn’t start your business to become and accountant. As companies grow, many owners/managers find themselves with less and less time for routine tasks. Ultimately, the financial & administration systems fail, then core business suffers. With HMRC inspections become more routine and fines increasing, it is imperative that your returns are filed accurately and on time. Infotax takes care of these deadlines, freeing you up to run your business.


How Can You Save By Outsourcing?

Your employee’s gross wage is not the only expenses you have to consider. Many employers do not realise the hidden costs of employees – for example :

Avail of Highly Trained Staff

Many SME’s find it difficult to recruit skilled staff if they only have a few hours a week to offer. Hiring skilled, experienced and highly trained staff is still costly. Infotax offers skills that are usualy only available to larger businesses with extensive salary budgets

Free up your time

Financial outsource services allows owners and/or senior management more time to focus on the growth of their business, clients achieve savings not only in cash but also other costs, such as time currently spent on accounting finance and administration tasks.

No Contractual Issues

Benefit from the flexibility of our working arrangement – you only pay for what you need, when you need it, and you have the freedom to vary the workload and time required, or simply walk away without having to worry about complex personnel and contractual issues.

Mininum Disruption

We will provide solutions, not cause more problems. Accounting and bookkeeping are one of the simplest business processes for a company to outsource. With the tremendous advancements of the Internet, accounting software and technology, the need for an internal accounting staff has become obsolete.

No More Fines

Providing you supply the documentation we request on time, we ensure that deadlines are met. We will even send you a reminder when your returns and payments are due so you won’t forget again.

Competitive Pricing

The combination of experience and time spent refining internal work processes, combined with keeping a tight control of overheads means that we can provide competitively priced and efficiently run top quality services.